It was necessary, to teach him humility and how to appreciate independence. Some people were starting to turn against Alex, thinking he was Chapter 502: Ch 502 - All Style and No Skill. Save The 12 Secrets of Self-Made Multi-Millionaires for later. "Your father is a government official, right? Ask him to check if Alex's business is up to scratch. Known as the Instant Millionaire” because he grasped the true secret of making a fortune overnight, this sage mentors a young man with frustrated dreams and nine-to-five disappointments. Read INSTA MILLIONAIRE chapter 277 - Ch 277 - Justice on Webnovel. Read INSTA MILLIONAIRE chapter 130 - Ch 130 - No One Touches My Sister on Webnovel. Status: Ongoing Author: Chi Yi Kou Bu Ding Views: 40396 Words: 3491504 Chapter 706: Ch 706 - A Strange Confrontation.

Finally, he said, "Okay, you should feel better soon. As Alex approached, she was doing fitness exercises. I found the book "The Instant Millionaire" by Mark Fisher to be one of the best stories on success I had ever read.

Ambrose, you dealt with that so well, she said.